
Monday, March 30, 2015

Wisdom Teeth: How to Deal with Problems

Wisdom teeth can be problematic. When impacted, the wisdom tooth or part of it may be trapped inside the gums, creating a space where bacteria can accumulate. In cases where only a portion of the tooth erupts, a flap may form where food particles could get stuck. This would generally be difficult to clean, leading to infection, tooth decay, and pain, in addition to foul breath and possible pus discharge. Your trusted dentist in Scranton, PA is likely to recommend extraction before the problem progresses into something worse, such as the development of tumors, extensive tooth decay, or pericoronitis (swelling of the affected gum).

To start treatment, your dentist will first examine the position and health of your wisdom tooth. If it is impacted, surgery may be required. In milder cases, they can be extracted just like any other teeth. Dentists generally use anesthetics to numb the area, but some offer IV sedation dentistry for Scranton residents.

With IV sedation, patients are put in a semi-conscious state. This allows the dentist to perform dental procedures, like extraction, with little resistance even from the most fearful patients, but still be able to communicate with the patient. Once the procedure is done, the patient will have little to no memory of it. Sedation dentistry is highly recommended for people with dental anxiety or fear, or those who have conditions, like sensitive teeth, strong gag reflex, and jaw pain or back pain, which make it hard for the dentist to perform the procedure.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Little-Known Causes of Stained Teeth

People usually blame sweets and coffee for stained teeth, but there are other reasons, too. Here are some of them.


Most medicines have side effects, and some of them result in or contribute to teeth discoloration. Certain types of antibiotics, for example, create a blue-gray or yellow-brown color to teeth. Cough syrups, meanwhile, cause dryness in the mouth, a condition perfect for decay since it impairs salivary secretion, removing the mouth’s natural cleaner of plaque, dirt, and stain.

Excessive Fluoride

Too much or too little of something is damaging. The same thing applies to fluoride. Although fluoride is an element that helps keep the teeth stronger, too much of it could result in fluorosis, a condition characterized by the increased porosity of the enamel and marked by white spots, brown stains, or cloudy patches.

Pool Water

The pH level of the water in an average pool is basic. Since solids dissolve in acids and solidify in bases, tiny particles of food in your mouth tend to harden when exposed to water in swimming pools. The antimicrobial components of the pool water also break down protein in your mouth and combine them with the solidified minerals, resulting in yellowish-brown spots.

If you have severely discolored teeth and would like to make your smile look better, visit a cosmetic dentist from a Wilkes-Barre dental practice. Generally, tooth discoloration is treated using whitening methods such as deep bleaching.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Permanent Teeth Whitening Solutions Are Available

A lot of people would like to have white teeth, and while many whitening solutions can give them this, the effects are often temporary. That is, until the KoR Deep Bleaching System. Developed by dentist Rod Kurthy and formulated for optimal permanent whitening, it works on average and difficult-to-whiten teeth, and is available in different types – Standard, At-Home, and Max. Each one has different percentages of hydrogen peroxide used in treatments to ensure high quality results. The system has been proven safe, and is one of the most effective teeth whitening methods available.

Smile Makeover Can Give You the Ideal Smile

Not everyone is born with a great smile. Fortunately, a Wilkes Barre dentist can recommend certain options for improving your smile depending on your specific needs.

Shining Bright

Dark stains and discolorations mar an otherwise beautiful set of teeth. Yet through a whitening procedure, a dentist can restore teeth’s natural glow and color and reverse years of exposure to stain-causing foods, beverages, and medications. One may also opt for dental veneers, porcelain shells that go over teeth to improve their color and shape.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Life in Color: Dallas, PA Dentist Offers Permanent Whitening Solution

Many people consider a smile as an asset. In fact, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96% of adults think that a beautiful smile makes a person much more attractive. There are many teeth whitening methods out there to help you get that bright smile you’ve always wanted, but most of them require you to miss out on your favorite foods. KoR Whitening System is a highly recommended permanent teeth whitening solution by a renowned dentist in Dallas, PA and other places. KoR Deep Bleaching The KoR Deep Bleaching System was developed by dentist Rod Kurthy, and was formulated for optimal permanent whitening. It works on average and difficult-to-whiten teeth, and is available in different types – Standard, At-Home, and Max. Each one has different percentages of hydrogen peroxide used in treatments to ensure high quality results. The system has been proven safe, and is one of the most effective teeth whitening methods available.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Get Sedated: Relief from Dental Nightmares

A lot of people are uneasy about visiting the dentist. In patients with dental anxiety, however, uneasiness is just the tip of the iceberg. Dental phobics experience an intense dread even with just a minor examination. Below are symptoms:

·         the idea of a dental visit makes him sick
·         difficulty of sleeping the night prior to a dental visit
·         mounting tension being felt while in the waiting room
·         anxiety is felt at the sight of dental instruments or white coats
·         panic and breathing difficulty is experienced as the mouth is being examined

Whiter Teeth Help You Give Off a Good Impression

A great smile is one of the best ways to make a good first impression when applying for a job. To have that winning look, however, it is important to have healthy, white teeth. Discolored teeth give off the impression of a poor lifestyle and unhealthy habits, such as drinking; and inadequate personal hygiene. Employers are often hesitant to take the risk of entrusting their business to someone who “seems” not to care about himself.

Discolored teeth also make one look older than his actual age. Thus, with the tendency of employers to favor the more vibrant and younger generation, getting this fixed is a must. For Pennsylvanians, teeth whitening is made possible by Scranton, PA dentistry centers.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Wilkes-Barre Cosmetic Dentist: White Teeth Helps You Ace an Interview

According to a Wilkes-Barre cosmetic dentist, the appearance of discolored teeth give off the impression of someone living a poor lifestyle, or someone harboring unhealthy habits. Employers, generally, are hesitant to take the risk of entrusting their business to someone who seems not to care about himself or herself. Stained or discolored teeth also tend to make one look older; age may not so much be a deciding factor in employment, as vibrance and youthfulness, along with experience. An article, by Career Builder, pointed out that having one’s teeth whitened before an interview will help take years off one’s look.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Killer Smile: Ask a Wilkes-Barre Dentist Give You a Smile Makeover

Teeth are made to grind, bite, and chew food to facilitate digestion. Through constant use and the natural effects of aging, however, teeth deteriorate. This means that they won’t always be as radiant, perfectly aligned, and virtually without blemish as they are when one is younger. It is widely believed that a smile says a lot about a person, so when you are not satisfied with your own, then it’s time to take action. After all, nothing speaks confidence better than a bright smile. If your teeth is holding back your smile, there are several solutions you can consider. Schedule an appointment with a Wilkes-Barre dentist in PA and get yourself a smile makeover.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Local Dentist in Scranton, PA: Sedation—A Relief for Dental Nightmare

Some people avoid going to the dentist even for the benefit of their dental health. They put off routine dental care for years, tolerating deteriorating oral conditions, such as gum infection and broken or missing teeth until the time they need to undergo invasive treatments. Most of these people, estimated at about 9% to 15% of Americans, suffer from dental anxiety and phobia. A local dentist in Scranton, PA will point out that the uneasiness or jitters experienced by people suffering from dental phobia is just the tip of the iceberg. Dental phobics experience intense dread even with minor examination.