
Friday, March 14, 2014

Fear of Visiting a Dentist in Scranton, PA Can Rub On to Children

If talking doesn’t work, the procedure can be done with a careful dose of sedatives. Dr. James DeFinnis, a reputable dentist in Scranton, PA, specializes in intravenous (IV) sedation, which allows the patient to stay awake, yet become numb to pain during a dental procedure.

IV sedation is much more refined than the other, more common types of sedation dentistry. In fact, IV sedation can be seen as the direct opposite of deep sedation, which renders the patient almost completely unconscious and unresponsive to most stimuli. Pain and involuntary movements are significantly reduced in sedation dentistry. Thus, forgoing the services of a sedation dentist in Dallas, PA in dealing with dental phobia may have an even larger impact on patients who totally reject dental visits.


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