
Monday, June 30, 2014

Tips on Caring for your Dentures

The importance of good oral hygiene is often neglected, which is why many people develop problems with their teeth and gums as they age. Regardless of whether you still have your complete set of pearly whites intact, or if you’re sporting some trusty dentures, you need to regularly brush and clean your teeth. Here are some tips for the latter:

  • There are many special toothbrushes designed to efficiently clean every corner of your dentures. If you are using an ordinary one for removable dentures though, use a separate brush for your natural teeth.
  • Don’t neglect your natural teeth. Having dentures over them for most of the day doesn’t excuse you from brushing and flossing properly.
  • Don’t let your dentures dry out at night. Before you sleep, remove them and soak them in a denture cleaning solution or some soapy water to keep them moist.
  • In the morning, rinse them and have them dry in a piece of absorbent cloth before replacing on your mouth.
  • Rinsing should also be a staple after every meal just as brushing is to your natural teeth. This helps prevent plaque from developing.

Keep your dentures clean and free of bacteria just as you should the rest of your pearly whites. Remember that dental problems don’t just stay in the mouth; it could also affect your immune system and other parts of your body.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Well-designed Dental Veneers for a Megawatt Smile

Hollywood actors Tom Cruise and Demi Moore, singers Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, and even football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo – all got dental veneers set for their megawatt smiles. It’s one of the most popular ways to improve your appearance in just 2 to 3 trips to the dentist.

Veneers make teeth look healthier and more natural, correcting those that are discolored or stained, misaligned, chipped or unevenly shaped. Usually made from porcelain, veneers can also be composed of biocompatible dental composite materials like resin and ceramic. Your dentist can bridge the gaps in your teeth, refine its shape and make your teeth seem brighter and straighter.

Before anything else, ask your dentist to evaluate your teeth so he/she can recommend if getting veneers is the right treatment for you. Veneers are exclusively crafted one by one by the dentist, and nearly impossible to tell apart from natural teeth. During the procedure, the dentist uses an anesthetic to remove a small amount of tooth enamel that’s the same thickness of the veneer so the tooth size is consistent. He/she then makes a mold of your teeth to make the veneers.

On the next visit, your dentist can show you the veneers made individually before bonding each one on your teeth. A special cement is applied on the veneer and your dentist proceeds to harden it with a special curing light. Veneers usually last for quite some time, provided that you take special care of it by regular brushing and flossing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why You Should Treat Your Dentist like a Trusted Friend

A lot of people have avoided the needed bi-annual dentist visits until they reach their 20s. They say that preventive dental care is not just part of their budget or that they only need to go to the dentist once they feel something that needs to be treated. Some are just simply too scared to start going to the dentist now, simply because they’ve never been to a dentist ever.

Regular dental appointments are important and needed to make sure that everything is up and running nicely. More than that, though, a lot of maintenance work are done on visits to prevent problems that could lead to complications causing unbearable pain to patients and their pockets. People who haven’t seen a dentist before should not be afraid as they only have their patients’ best interests in mind.

Many should consider their dentist as a trusted friend who they can rely on for help on their oral care problems. As much as possible, dentists would provide their patients with treatment that minimizes, if not eliminates altogether, pain. Building a rapport with one’s dentist can also help ease the nervousness of the patient, especially when faced with a major procedure.

Aside from that, patients should not be afraid to ask questions about the procedures that need to be done on them. The more they are informed, the better management of expectations there can be.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yellowing Teeth: Why You Need a Cosmetic Dentist

One of the things a person can be really proud of are his teeth, that is, if they are in excellent shape. Unfortunately, among the biggest dental problems millions of people from across the globe are facing are yellow or discolored teeth. This is caused by several factors like smoking, improper brushing, and the type of foods they frequently eat. Aging, genetics, and certain medicines also contribute to this problem.

Luckily, there are cosmetic dentists who can help turn the tide and restore the pearly whites you thought you have lost forever. There are several teeth whitening methods available today, though some offer superior results than others. One of the most notable is Deep Bleaching™, which is effective for people who have problems with other teeth whitening methods due to cetain oral issues.

There is also the bleaching procedure, which is normally done if the teeth can still be whitened to a level that is beyond their natural color. The choice of treatments essentially vary from patient to patient, depending on their requirements and, of course, on what the cosmetic dentist suggests. What matters is for you to be able to find a trusted practitioner who will carefully conduct a thorough evaluation of your teeth before proceeding with the treatments and solutions.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Eating White: Give your Dallas, PA Dentist a Hand with these Foods

"What does it take to whiten your teeth? Aside from getting dental whitening procedures from your trusted dentist in Dallas, PA, you might have already heard of such gems as avoiding coffee, red wine, chocolate, and other foods that might darken or discolor the enamel on your pearly whites. What you might not know, however, is that there are foods that actually help whiten your teeth, so be sure to incorporate some of these tasty treats in as many meals or snacks as you can: Dairy First, for what is perhaps the most obvious– dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent sources of good old calcium. This means that they don’t just keep your teeth clean and white; they protect and strengthen it, too. The best part, as far as your teeth whitening efforts go, is that the likes of milk and yogurt are mostly white or colorless. This means that they won’t leave dark pigments all over the enamel of your chompers."

Monday, June 2, 2014

What You Should Know from your Dentist in Wilkes-Barre: Dental Bonding

"Even though it doesn’t involve a lengthy, multi-visit surgical procedure, you will still need to make sure that your newly-bonded teeth perform the way they’re supposed to. For one, you need to maintain the proper oral hygiene practices– brush and floss around your bonded teeth carefully but thoroughly. Avoid biting things that you generally shouldn’t (like your pen) as it could damage the composite. Always remember to consult your trusted dentist in Wilkes-Barre, PA for any concerns about the procedure, or for any concerns relating to your oral health in general, for that matter. Any dental treatment, no matter how effective it might seem, will pretty much be ineffective without the right kind and amount of after-care."