
Friday, August 22, 2014

The Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

Halitosis, colloquially known as bad breath, is an embarrassing oral condition that some people may not even know that they have it. Halitosis can be avoided, treated, or managed.  Learn the different factors that contribute to bad breath—here are some of the most common.

Poor oral hygiene – Poor oral hygiene is almost entirely an individual’s doing. Millions of bacteria already live inside the mouth, and while they’re practically harmless, they can build up over time and lead to the development of plaque (a soft, whitish deposit that forms on teeth enamel). As they break down the food by combining with saliva, these bacteria release stinky gas as part of natural biological process. Obviously, not brushing and flossing regularly can contribute to bacteria buildup, causing stinky breath.  
Smelly food – If something stinky goes in, there’s a huge chance that something stinky will come out. Food with lots of onions or garlic are often the main culprits for bad breath. However, they do more than just create a stench in the mouth; they make the air you breathe out smellier. This is due to the plant oils being absorbed into the bloodstream, which then cause you to exhale foul-smelling air.

Mouth infections – Reddish, swollen, and bleeding gums, especially after brushing or flossing, are known to cause bad breath.  Pus draining between the teeth, abscess and open sores on the tongue or gums, and even loose teeth or ill-fitting dentures, are also notorious culprits that cause bad breath. 


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