Genetics is the
number one cause of misaligned
teeth. If your relatives have healthy teeth alignment and you don’t,
however, then other factors may be to blame. These include:
Bad oral habits. Prolonged thumb-sucking,
tongue-thrusting, and biting foreign objects like your nails and pencils can
all lead to misaligned teeth. These are habits developed during childhood. To
reduce the likelihood that they’ll have to spend for braces in the future,
parents will need to watch their children for these habits.
Evolution. According to research cited in the Healthy Home
Economist, processed or industrialized foods lack the essential nutrients
needed to form sturdier and broader jaws, like fat soluble vitamins A, D and
K12 abundant in primitive diets. A smaller jaw does not provide enough room for
all of your 32 adult teeth, resulting in crowding.
Missing teeth. When you lose a tooth, chewing pressure makes the
adjacent teeth move into the gap. This can cause the teeth to slope, or rotate
and crowd as a new tooth grows into place. The new tooth will then be forced to
grow and remain outside of its allotted space.
straightening methods like Invisalign can correct misalignments. It uses
transparent retainer-like aligners that don’t draw as much attention as metal
braces. Those who wish to try this innovation to achieve a better smile and
oral health can visit a dentist to try them out.
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