Dislodged tooth. In some injuries, the tooth may be pushed deep into its socket. The tooth can be saved as long as the pulp remains intact. Your emergency dentist near Scranton, PA may require you to wear a splint to reposition and stabilize your tooth to give it a chance to heal. If the pulp is damaged, a root canal treatment may be needed to prevent your tooth from developing an infection; this will have to be started a few days after the injury. Knocked-out tooth. If the tooth is completely knocked-out of the mouth, handle the tooth with care. Avoid touching the root and if it is soiled, gently wash it with a cold and clean water; never scrape or brush it. To keep the living cells alive for a couple of hours, keep the tooth in milk or the patient’s saliva to prevent the root from drying out. Remember, time is essential and the longer the tooth is out of its socket, the likelier it can’t be saved.
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